Project assignment

Note: Please visit this page on a regular basis for possible updates.

(Heroic) Fantasy Land

This worksheet describes the project assignment for this course. You are asked to provide solutions for the modeling, rendering, animation and interaction of a fantasy land scene, with animated and/or interactive elements.

The idea is to create a scenery in this theme. Your scene should involve modeling the ground and may include water or take place on an island for example, and any adjoining animation and rendering effects. Your scene can be populated with any number of buildings, creatures and plants. We provide a set of diverse models, many of which include animation, that you can use in your scene if you wish.

Ensimag students will find the files under the mount /matieres/4MMG3D6/2021-2022-3D-Graphics-Assets

Master students will find the assets on this moodle page:

Please note that these resources are copyrighted and cannot be used outside this assignment.

You may include an animated character or animals but this is not mandatory, and left to your imagination. Your scene may involve interactive elements or play like a game. The goal of the project is to showcase your acquired knowledge in modeling, rendering, animation and demonstrate how you used these techniques to your classmates.


Manage your time

We are well aware of the number of projects during the semester.

Some recommendations:

  • Start early. The project assignment is given in the first half of the semester, so don’t wait until the last minute.

  • Focus on some aspects and keep others simple. Obviously try do your best and enjoy, but don’t spend too much time on this project at the expense of others!

1. Requirements

What is important is the content of your project in terms of modeling, rendering and animation. The following requirements should be fulfilled:


  • Model at least one element with hierarchical modeling. This could be a plant, human or one of the provided articulated models.

  • Use at least one mesh.

  • Model at least one geometric element with procedure modeling. This could be an automatically generated non-flat ground, or a procedural plant.


  • Use lights and materials.

  • Use a least one texture, e.g. for an object or a skybox.

  • Propose a least one new rendering effect


  • Animate one element with keyframes (to move it or change one of its properties)

  • Use one instance of procedural animation (e.g. water surface, moving plants, doors, characters, animals, birds…)

  • Control one element with the keyboard.


  • Demonstrate in your project that you are careful in your resource usage

  • Show at least one speed / efficiency optimization

Other effect of your choice

  • Add at least one element that was not covered in the practicals, whatever it is!

  • Animating an element with physics-based effects (e.g.: dust, rocks, plants water surface…) is an idea

  • Animating an animal or human character using the skinning animation technique is another idea. The provided human models possess animations when loaded from an FBX file.

  • Skybox, fog/diffusion, normal mapping, caustics, shadow mapping, PBR, are all rendering techniques that can be included. These techniques are more or less listed here in order of difficulty.


Some elements or effects can be basic, but at least one part of your project must be new or an improvement of what was provided in the practicals. Choose what is the most interesting to you!

2. Logistics

Grading Criteria

  • Pertinence of proposed choices and solutions

  • Quality and difficulty of implemented techniques

  • Fun?


Projects are graded personal work. Projects will be run into automated plagiarism detection tools, including between Mosig and Ensimag students. Any projects with significant and intentional overlap may be subject to penalty, including the worst case penalty of a 0 grade.


Projects must be realized by groups of three students. A small number of two student groups may be tolerated if group size isn’t a multiple of 3 (ask your instructor directly).

Project archive

An archive of your project must be uploaded on Teide (Ensimag students). It must contain:

  • Your entire source code, which must run directly on Ensimag PCs.

  • All the additional material necessary to run it, like meshes and textures.

  • A list of controls must print when your program is executed, so that we can run and play your project!

  • Please follow this convention : your archive must extract to a single directory called “Team xx - Name1 Name2 Name3”, with xx your team number and then the last names of your team members.


Only put the ressources strictly necessary to run your project in your uploaded archive and not the full set of provided 3D assets (130Mb!) You are not obligated to use all the assets provided, you can pick whatever you like or use other ones you found.

3. Deadline

This date may be slightly adjusted according to your other projects deadlines.

Friday April 15th, 2021