I teach at the Ensimag engineering school of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, which is part of the Grenoble INP consortium of engineering schools in Grenoble.
I currently administer and teach the course Vision 3D, Perception and Deep Learning, alongside Diane Larlus and Karteek Alahari, third year Ensimag (Master 2 / graduate level)
Past courses and assignments
I was an elected member of the Ensimag School Board for a 4 year term (2016-2021), which manages school strategic and high level budget decisions, in cooperation with Ensimag business and institutional partners from the university board at Grenoble INP.
Second year administrator Ensimag (2017-2023), which included numerous duties:
- keep track of and prepare semester juries for 300+ students
- organize 4 majors and 70 courses and their exam sessions, prepare semester course schedules
- cater to related day-to-day organizational problems, for students and professors
- manage student course choices for elective courses
- participate in all Ensimag management and pedagogic boards
- work with school international relations to manage students going or coming from abroad
- work with school internship relations service to keep track of student internships and related grading
- keep in sync with other schools and services on campus for outsourced and courses shared among different university institutions (foreign languages, humanities, sports, university master courses)
I taught various courses recently, including:
- Introduction to Computer Vision, third year Ensimag (Master 2 / graduate level)
- Introduction to Computer Graphics, second year Ensimag (Master 1 / graduate level), with OpenGL and C++
- Introduction to Imperative Computer Programming, first year Ensimag (License 3, undergraduate level), in Python
- C Language Programming Project, first year Ensimag (License 3 / undergraduate level)
- I also am a tutor for various students doing internships in companies, research labs or foreign universities, which includes keeping track of their progress and serve as jury member to evaluate their internship work