Digital geometry processing for shapes in motion

Dressed 3D humans in motion

Given a motion sequence of a human in wide clothing, we estimate its body shape using a learning approach. We then use this estimation to robustly track the 3D shape over time.

Context:  Jinlong Yang's PhD thesis and ACHMOV project.
Co-workers:  Jinlong Yang (PhD student), Jean-Sébastien Franco (assistant professor, Univ. Grenoble), Stefanie Wuhrer (researcher, Inria).
More details:  Dressed Human data set, [ECCV'16], [3DV'16].


Laplacian mesh sequence processing

We have developed a discrete Laplace operator for temporally coherent mesh sequences. This operator has then been used to various mesh sequence processing tasks, such as editing.

Context:  MORPHO project then Sandeep Manandhar's Master thesis.
Co-workers:  Victoria Fernández Abrevaya (Master intern), Sandeep Manandhar (Master student), Stefanie Wuhrer (researcher, Inria).
More details:  [RR'12], [SMI'16], 3DtLaplace software.


Segmentation of mesh sequences

In this project we focus on motion-based segmentation on mesh sequences. Contrary to previous works, we do not restrict to temporally coherent sequences: we deal with any mesh animation. We are able to segment a sequence according to either rigid or uniformly stretched motions.

Context:  Romain Arcila's PhD thesis and MADRAS project.
Co-workers:  Romain Arcila (PhD student), Florent Dupont (professor, Univ. Lyon).
More details:  MADRAS website, [CORESA'09], [WSCG'10], [GMod'13].


Manifold-oriented character skinning

We proposed a new skinning framework inspired from the mathematical concept of atlas of charts: we segment a 3D model of a character into overlapping parts, each of them being anatomically meaningful (e.g., a region for each arm, for each leg, etc., with overlaps on joints); then during deformation, each vertex in an overlapping area is updated thanks to the movement of neighboring bones.

Context:  MEGA project.
Co-workers:  Lin Lu (visiting PhD student, Univ. Hong Kong), Cédric Gérot (assistant professor, Univ. Grenoble), Boris Thibert (assistant professor, Univ. Grenoble).
More details:  [GRAPP'09].


Automatic animation skeleton computation

We proposed an algorithm to automatically compute an animation skeleton, starting from a surface mesh and a few points selected by hand on the model. This considerably simplifies infographists' work, although our algorithm let them interact in various ways, if they want to.

Context:  Grégoire Aujay's Master thesis.
Co-workers:  Grégoire Aujay (Master student), Francis Lazarus (researcher, CNRS), Christine Depraz (infographist).
More details:  [SCA'07], animation skeleton gallery.